Similar words: over and over again, over and again, over and over, above, above all, above par, above board, veranda.

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31) How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law?
32) Boatswain's and carpenter's tools over and above the Builder's standard.
33) Costs to produce the export product over and above costs to produce items sold domestically.
34) We will consider additional payment, over and above the bid price, if the project warrants.
35) Personal interest must not be placed over and above national interest.
36) In addition, special efforts over and above the production control plan requirements should be implemented.
37) As a result, both LDAP and custom user registries are good alternatives for negating the requirement to grant OS privileges over and above that of an unprivileged user.
38) Theatrical paraphernalia had been provided over and above her care.
39) These rewards are over and above the normal sales compensation.
40) Over and above your own feelings, you must think of your family.
41) Finally, national regulators need to be creative and use capital surcharges over and above the global minimum standard to "fine" banks that pose a bigger threat to taxpayers.
42) But, Dr. Bonanno said, "I ran those tests and, lo and behold, extra grief symptoms were very important in predicting what was going on with these people, over and above depression and P.T.S.D."
43) The waiter get good tips over and above their wages.
44) However, the advanced reburning will need over and above more than 15% of reburning fuel to reach a corresponding denitration efficiency.
45) Over and above, joining the Olympic Games can be a way keep fit.
46) The A - bomb hurt nobody over and above the abraded king, causing the abscess.
46) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
47) There are four more people coming over and above those we have already invited.
48) He gets a number of perquisites, over and above his salary.
49) This project is going to cost us $2,500 over and above the normal cost.
More similar words: over and over again, over and again, over and over, above, above all, above par, above board, veranda, head and shoulders above, overall, ever and anon, coverage, all over again, irrecoverable, federal government, out and about, up and about, roundabout, over, cover, hover, lover, overt, labour of love, go over, govern, get over, all over, covert, oversee.